What does “based” mean? Based is popular slang for something upfront, on point, or rooted in true principles.
Unfortunately, politics today aren’t very based.
If “based” sounds alien in our modern political context, it’s because it is. That may well be why the real winner of the 2020 presidential election was “none of the above”—as 80 million Americans chose not to vote.
We’re launching BASEDPolitics to offer a home to the millions of Americans, especially young Americans, who’ve lost any last shred of faith in both parties’ establishments and their mainstream media shills. Many feel politically homeless, silenced, and unable to become reliably informed on the issues that impact them the most. As journalists, commentators, and political activists, we have all felt this too—and we’ve been more fortunate than most…..
Read more here to learn about my new project with Brad Polumbo and Jack Hunter.